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Statement from the Europe Peace Foundation: A Call for Ceasefire, End to Violence, and Peace Process in Sudan
MADRID, SPAIN Wednesday, April 26, 2023–The Europe Peace Foundation is deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and conflict in Sudan and urgently calls for a ceasefire, an end to violence, and a comprehensive peace process to bring lasting peace to the region.
The people of Sudan have suffered for far too long from the devastating impact of armed conflicts, which have resulted in loss of lives, displacement of communities, and untold suffering. We stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people and join the international community in calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities.
We urge all parties involved to lay down their arms and come to the negotiating table in good faith. We call for inclusive and meaningful dialogue, involving all relevant stakeholders, to address the root causes of the conflict and to seek peaceful and sustainable solutions. A comprehensive peace process that addresses political, social, economic, and humanitarian issues is crucial for creating a stable and prosperous future for Sudan.
We also emphasize the importance of upholding human rights and humanitarian principles, including the protection of civilians, and ensuring access to humanitarian assistance for those affected by the conflict. The well-being and safety of all Sudanese citizens, including women, children, and vulnerable populations, must be prioritized throughout the peace process.
The Europe Peace Foundation calls on the international community to support efforts towards peace in Sudan, including through diplomatic engagement, mediation, and humanitarian assistance. We encourage all stakeholders to work together in a spirit of cooperation, tolerance, and compromise to achieve a just and sustainable peace in Sudan.
As an organization committed to promoting peace, understanding, and reconciliation, the Europe Peace Foundation stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan and reiterates our unwavering call for a ceasefire, an end to violence, and a comprehensive peace process to bring about a brighter and more peaceful future for Sudan and its people.
Peace is possible, and we urge all parties to prioritize the path of dialogue and reconciliation to achieve a just and lasting peace in Sudan.
Together, let us work towards a future where peace and prosperity prevail in Sudan, and where the rights and dignity of all Sudanese citizens are respected and upheld.