My organization, The Europe Peace Foundation (EPF), has been working nonstop for the agenda of World Peace by 2030. I urge all world leaders, dissidents, and armed groups to join hands and stand up for my “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” agenda. I have requested the world to renounce arms wars, nuclear weapons, violence, strife, and bitterness and come to a peace process. Let us all support each other and work together to make my Global Peace plan a grand success.
Millions of innocent people across the globe suffer and this number rises as conflicts of war and violence continue. Wars in developing countries have devastating human, economic, environmental, and social effects. These consequences are a major cause of poverty and underdevelopment.
Nearly 80 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide by the end of last year as a result of violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Forced displacement has become more widespread.
Armed violence has a destructive impact on a country’s development, affecting economic growth, and often resulting in grievances that last for generations. Sexual violence, crime, exploitation, and torture are prevalent where there is a conflict or a lack of security. Countries should take adequate measures to protect those who are most at risk.
There are at least 10 million stateless people who have been denied a nationality and related human rights. 1 billion people are legally ‘invisible’ because they cannot prove their national identity. This includes an estimated 625 million children under 14 whose births were never registered, as well as 49 countries that lack laws protecting women from domestic violence.
Millions of people have been continuously displaced by ethnic and religious violence. There are several strategies for the transformation of religion into a force for peace.
There are many peace organizations and governments around the world, but they are not doing anything for global peace, even by a minimal one percent. Peace in the world is possible through the work of my organization, The Europe Peace Foundation. We plan to bring peace to the world before the year 2030. Therefore, we need your help to persuade all world leaders, armed groups, dissidents, and governments to join the 2030 peace agenda and convey the message that the people of the world want peace.
Goal targets
Sign the “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” to form an agreement between global heads of state, Ethnic, religious and Political leaders, dissidents, armed groups and International organizations.
Sappan KC, HUM
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