• info@europefoundation.org

About Us

The Europe Peace Foundation (EPF) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to global health and peace. We help the people most in need around the world to recover from violent conflicts and natural disasters. The EPF delivers emergency aid, medicine and medical services, primarily to rural areas, and works locally and internationally on fostering peaceful dialogue for lasting stability and wellbeing.


At the same time, we work on peace advocacy, international cooperation and securing low-cost generic medicine. We also provide non-partisan election monitoring and conflict-resolution services to foster lasting agreements and stability.

The EPF works with local partners, non-profit organizations, diplomatic missions and pharmaceutical companies to uphold the universal rights of health, peace, safety and shelter for all people regardless of origin, race, gender, age, or religion.

The EPF works on the following:

-Supporting peace processes and human rights for communities recovering from violent conflict   
-Election monitoring, peace process and conflict-resolution services                
-Delivering first aid, medicines and medical equipment to conflict and disaster affected zones
-Restoring health services through health stations staffed with health professionals to administer vaccines, medicines, first aid, and provide post-trauma counseling
-Securing low-cost generic drugs for relief works


In the EPF we believe that everyone deserve to live healthy and peaceful lives. Violent conflicts and natural disasters leave communities devastated, impoverished and with limited health services. Without health people may not live in peace, and it is our mission to work in every capacity we have to restore a sense of peace and stability to rural communities currently recovering from conflicts or natural disasters.

Board of Directors and Board Committees

President: Don Hum K C ‘Sappan