• info@europefoundation.org

Peace in Ukraine

This past February 2022 another disastrous conflict sparked between Ukraine and Russia. Thousands of civilians have been killed and thousands more injured.

Needed Donation

World Peace 2030

Me and my organization, The Europe Peace Foundation (EPF), have been working non stop for the agenda of World Peace by 2030

Needed Donation

Palestine Refugees and Humanitarian Crisis

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians remains both necessary and possible. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an urgent issue in the region

Needed Donation

Syrian Refugee Crisis & Humanitarian Assistance

The armed conflict in Syria has devastated the homes and livelihoods of countless people throughout the country

Needed Donation

Juba Project

Since the beginning of the 2013 civil war in Sudan, nearly 4 million people have been forced to flee their homelands and are constantly moving across territories in and out of the country

Needed Donation

South Kivu Project

The Democratic Republic of Congo has faced one of the worst war situations of the 21st century

Needed Donation