The “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” initiative aims to establish peace on Earth by the year 2030, effectively eliminating all forms of conflict, warfare, and violence. My objective is to foster an environment of peace globally, encouraging all governments and conflicting parties to unite with a shared vision of achieving global harmony before the designated year of 2030.
I call upon all world leaders, dissidents, and armed factions to unite in support of the “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” initiative. It is imperative that we collectively renounce warfare, nuclear armaments, and all forms of violence and discord, and instead engage in constructive dialogue aimed at fostering peace. Together, we can ensure that the next five years of our Global Peace plan culminate in significant achievements.
Across Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe, communities continue to endure the devastating effects of war, conflict, and violence. Human rights violations persist globally, with eight out of ten of the world’s most impoverished nations currently experiencing or having recently faced large-scale violent conflicts.
The repercussions of warfare in developing regions are profound, leading to severe human, economic, and social costs that contribute significantly to ongoing poverty and hinder development efforts.
By the end of last year, nearly 110 million individuals were forcibly displaced due to conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights abuse, highlighting the alarming prevalence of forced displacement today.Armed conflict and insecurity severely undermine national development, stunting economic growth and fostering grievances that can persist for generations.
In regions plagued by violence and a lack of rule of law, issues such as sexual violence, crime, and exploitation are rampant, necessitating urgent protective measures for the most vulnerable populations. The resolution of the world’s most pressing conflicts is essential to address these challenges and restore dignity to those affected.
Ethnic and religious violence continues to displace millions of individuals across various nations. Religion has the potential to serve as a powerful motivator for believers to embrace tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
To transform religion into a catalyst for peace, several strategies can be proposed. Firstly, promoting interfaith dialogue is essential, as it fosters understanding and education among different religious traditions. Secondly, enhancing economic development, particularly for the impoverished and marginalized communities within religious societies, is crucial. Lastly, reinforcing democratic principles at both national and local levels is imperative, as it complements economic growth and promotes democratic values.
Although there are many peace organizations and governments operating worldwide, their contributions have not markedly advanced the cause of global peace. The attainment of peace relies heavily on the actions of individuals and organizations. My Global Peace 2030 agenda is dedicated to promoting peace over the next 2030 years, demonstrating that such an achievement is indeed feasible.
To achieve this ambitious goal, it is vital to rally support and exert pressure on world leaders, armed groups, dissidents, and governments to adhere to the 2030 peace agenda, emphasizing the collective desire for peace among the global populace.
With the current world population estimated at approximately 8 billion, the fulfillment of the 2030 world peace agenda necessitates the collection of 4 billion signatures, representing 50 percent of the global population.
Regardless of your location, your support for this campaign through signing the petition is invaluable. The signatures will be presented to heads of state, ethnic and religious leaders, dissidents, armed groups, and international organizations worldwide, urging them to join the “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” initiative and endorse the peace agreement.
We kindly request that you share this petition broadly to assist us in reaching our goal of 4 billion signatures. We encourage you to visit and sign the Global Peace 2030 petition at your earliest convenience.
If you aspire to achieve lasting peace both in your country and globally, we urge you to support our “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” initiative by signing the petition launched on the transparency platform Your signature holds significant value in our efforts to present these endorsements to heads of state, ethnic and religious leaders, dissidents, armed groups, and international organizations worldwide, encouraging them to unite in the pursuit of peace and to endorse the peace agreement.
We invite you to visit to sign the petition and encourage your family, friends, and loved ones to join in supporting this vital cause for global peace.
The Desired Results of the “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” are mentioned below:
-Achieve a world devoid of nuclear armaments.
-Eliminate violent deaths, torture, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, human trafficking, corruption, and organized crime.
-Eradicate all forms of violence and reduce associated mortality rates globally.
-Facilitate disarmament by abolishing the production and trade of both large and small arms worldwide.
-Resolve international border disputes effectively.
-Bring an end to ethnic and religious strife as well as political violence.
-Uphold the rule of law at both national and international levels, ensuring equitable access to justice for all individuals.
-Encourage all nations to significantly decrease their defense and military expenditures.
-In conflict-affected regions, redirect funding from military assistance to support industrial and agricultural development, thereby reducing youth engagement in violence due to unemployment.
-Foster a global environment that prioritizes peace and stability through collaborative efforts.
-Formalize the “GLOBAL PEACE 2030” accord among world leaders, including ethnic, religious, and political figures, as well as dissidents, armed factions, and international organizations.
-Ensure the establishment of peace, stability, and the protection of human rights, alongside the promotion of effective governance grounded in the rule of law.
-Halt the trafficking of illegal arms while enhancing the involvement of developing nations in global governance institutions.
-Foster collaboration among diverse leaders to achieve a comprehensive peace agreement.
-Promote the principles of human rights and the rule of law as foundational elements of governance.
-Strengthen international frameworks to combat the proliferation of illicit weapons.
-Encourage active participation from developing countries in shaping global governance policies.
-Create mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the terms of the peace agreement.
-Advocate for inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders to address underlying conflicts.
-Support initiatives that empower local communities in the governance process to ensure sustainable peace.
The Europe Peace Foundation strives to spread a vision of peace focused on universal human rights. The EPF mobilizes resources to strengthen dialogue and mediation between parties, provides education and strategies to individuals and groups on conflict-resolution and peace management, and promotes stability and development to ensure conflict is resolved through feasible alternatives.
The EPF collaborates with local organizations and activists by supporting them with tools to prevent and intervene in violent conflicts, instructing relevant parties with mediation techniques, professional negotiation and effective practices to strengthen participatory democracy and civil rights.
The EPF encourages open dialogue with all members of a community as a necessary step for addressing conflict through non-violence and fostering peaceful coexistence. Our professional staff and partners work with participatory methods focused on eliciting transparency and accuracy in different perspectives and grievances and mediating through negotiation and law. Europe Peace Foundation works with different levels of conflict and actors yet always maintains a focus on universal human rights and equality.
The EFP is committed to empowering civil society and activists with advocacy tools and serving as an interface for dialogue involving local organizations and governments or corporations. Dialogue that examines differences, exchanges information and looks for alternatives can have a significant effect on the impact of mediation and agreements.
The Europe Peace Foundation advises parties on cooperative strategies to resolve conflict and enhance the role and responsibility of civil society in transiting away from conflict towards peace. The EPF facilitates to each and all parties involved in conflict and dispute the use of mediation tools, training and consultation services designed to expand negotiations geared towards conciliation and cooperation. Through assistance and training to individuals and groups, mediated communication can result in agreed-upon steps to immediately reduce violence while steadily advancing civil society bonds and strengthening of the rule of law.
The EFP assists individuals and groups in their training to carry out a transparent and open mediation process, reach consensus when possible, and define measures of accountability to set change in motion. At the same time, EFP works with international observers and governments to regulate disputes and provide professional services and counsel to grass roots organizations fighting for the defense of human rights and to secure that the proposed outcomes of mediated conflict-resolution are inclusive and democratic.
Once agreements have been reached in efforts to resolve conflicts, a phase of accountability and monitoring by third parties is necessary to ensure parties subscribe to and uphold their commitments. The EPF can monitor post-conflict steps and accords by securing legal accountability and, when necessary, the presence of on the ground observers and peace-keeping missions. Continued monitoring and follow-ups pressure parties to adhere to negotiations and consequences. Through advocacy and diplomatic channels, the EPF continues its appeal to governments and organizations to commit to the eradication of human rights violations and other abuses.
Development and investment that directly improves the lives of people and strengthen public services that benefit all members of a community can create lasting bonds amongst previously hostile groups and create alternatives to unequal distribution of resources and violence.