International Organization
MADRID SPAIN, October 20th, 2022
Some of the most recent airstrikes in Ukraine have killed dozens of civilians, including children.
Homes, residential buildings, neighborhood, and power plants have been destroyed.
The destruction has left entire towns without electricity.
Reports claim Russia is buying drones from Iran and is in full supply of weapons for further strikes.
Ukraine has called for sanctions to be placed on Iran.
The United States has responded with a shipment of millions of dollars worth of weapons to aid their ally Ukraine.
The continued sale of arms in warfare only increases the death toll of civilians.
Sanctions placed on a country affect the lives of civilians, making resources scarce and the quality of life unbearable.
To end this war, and protect Ukrainians, Russians, and Iranians, the sale of arms must end, and sanctions must end.
Secure peace through negotiations, through peaceful mediation.