• info@europefoundation.org

Madrid Spain


The Europe Peace Foundation is concerned that one year has passed since the tragic murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, and there has been no justice for her death.

We join her family and colleagues in mourning her loss and calling for immediate recognition of this injustice.

Journalists play a crucial role in holding those in power accountable and shining a light on issues that might otherwise be overlooked. It is deeply concerning that journalists face violence and threats in the course of their work. Shireen’s murder is a stark reminder of the dangers that journalists face every day, simply for doing their jobs.

We call on the authorities to take swift action to bring those responsible for Shireen’s murder to justice. The failure to do so not only denies her family the closure they deserve but also sends a dangerous message that those who target journalists can act without consequence.

We also call on governments around the world to take concrete steps to protect journalists and ensure their safety while carrying out their vital work. Attacks on journalists must be condemned and those responsible must be held accountable.

The Europe Peace Foundation stands in solidarity with Shireen’s family and colleagues, and we reiterate our call for justice to be served.

We will continue to work towards a world where journalists are protected and can carry out their work safely.