• info@europefoundation.org

Madrid Spain


All women across the globe are entitled to live without violence and discrimination.
All women are entitled to an education.
All women are entitled to health care both mental and physical.
Unfortunately, many women are not entitled to these rights.

Women are subjected in many countries to discrimination based on sex and gender. They are murdered, violated, and abused because of their gender.

In many countries, there are no laws that protect women from abuse. Their voices go unheard.

Today for women’s day we remember all the women who fight and fought for women’s rights.
The fight continues every day.

Women are fighting every day and today we at the Europe Peace Foundation salute the fight for women’s rights.
We celebrate the women who have fought for equality and protection.

We want to highlight an ongoing issue.
In Afghanistan, 85 percent of women are out of school which is 2.5 million girls and young women– continue to be out of school.
The repressive laws enforced by the Taliban young girls beyond the age of 6th grade cannot attend school.

In 2023, these laws still exist.
There is no place for this repression.
We at the Europe Peace Foundation remember the girls, women, and young women who fight every day for their human rights.