MADRID Thursday, April 9, 2020 | There are 1,502,618 confirmed cases and the total number of deaths is 89,915 while 339,775 people have recovered. More than half of all the confirmed cases have been in Europe, with Spain and Italy worst affected. However, the United States now has twice as many confirmed cases as any other country. These series of maps and charts, track the spread of the virus since it emerged in China in December last year.
In recent days, a new report has struck the world with calamity. The novel Coronavirus pandemic happening in the world is being compounded after knowing that the WHO (World Health Organization) management has been deplorable, ineffective and negligent.
Since the beginning of April, the Europe Peace Foundation (EPF) has closely monitored the discontent and concern expressed internationally with the current management of WHO regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
The criticism is mainly addressing current WHO’s Director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is currently facing criticism regarding covering up the actual figures of the Coronavirus outbreak. In addition, we’ve found that there have been a series of errors and delays in actions to deal with the first and worldwide massive outbreak.
This management is being questioned based on statistical tests that indicate the growth curve of the outbreak to be exponentially greater, considering the time that the virus has been present since its first cases to its rapid growth throughout the West.
It is disappointing how this negligent management has endured, when the world is in its greatest need of effective and optimal health care ever. The EFF joins the campaign that demands WHO a response regarding all these drawbacks; the actual figures; a better management by its presidency; the aid that must be provided for poor nations facing this virus and dozens of other diseases that have not yet been treated and for which there’s cure.
The EPF will continue to coordinate the international response, develop guidance, distribute supplies, share information for people to protect themselves and others.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure and may, but are not limited to, include: Fever, fatigue and dry cough.
Some patients had experienced body-ache, congestion, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and evolve gradually. Some of the infected persons do not experience any symptoms. They simply carry the virus.
What you can do:
Stay home if you are sick.
Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
Don’t touch your face.
Cover your mouth with a handkerchief when coughing, then dispose of it.
Wash your hands, frequently, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, containing at least 60% alcohol.
Disinfect the objects and surfaces you enter in contact with frequently, using cleaning products or wipes.
For further information, please contact: Telephone: (+34) 910 231 214