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Press release:

Friday, February 24, 2023 MADRID – This week marked the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine.
All over the world, moments of silence, tributes and gatherings were held to remember the loss of innocent lives and demonstrate solidarity for the civilians who are still subjected to the violence of the conflict.
More than 10 million Ukrainians have been displaced abroad or within their own country, creating a tragic refugee crisis. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died and been forced to kill.

The war has created deadly alliances and forged new international enemies that create a hostile global situation. Without a global effort to end the war, the conflict will increase.

The destruction of homes, lives, the environment are ruining the planet. This war is not just between Ukraine and Russia, it has an impact on all humans and could get worse without a clear path to peace.

We at the Europe Peace Foundation call for an appeal to peace. We are ready to mediate permanent peace between Russia and Ukraine. Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis.
All parties involved must abandon their military ambitions. We urge an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. We at the Europe Peace Foundation stand for peace. We stand for the protection of innocent lives.
Without the end to this war there will be more suffering and misery.

There must be a call to action for peace and for mediation. We at the Europe Peace Foundation look to the support of dissidents, activists and community members to act on peace and dialogue as conflict resolution.


For further information, please contact: Telephone: (+34) 910 231 214 press@europefoundation.org