• info@europefoundation.org

MADRID SPAIN, October 20th, 2022

It has been over one month since the death of Mahsa Amini, a young Kurdish woman who died in Tehran Iran, while in police custody. 

On September 16 2022, Amini was taken by the morality police for inappropriate clothing, a mis worn hijab that revealed her hair and loose clothing. 

Three days later, protests led by women began all over Tehran ignited. 

The protests that continue today throughout Iran have turned into violent altercations with the police. 

Over 100 people have died in the clashes, some children.

The murder of Mahsa has marked a historic moment in the history of Iran- a call for change to the repressive laws placed on women, the demand for police accountability and social justice. 

In order to achieve the human rights the protestors claim, there must be peaceful negotiations. 

In order to see a change in leadership that will adhere to the rights of civilians, international leaders mostly peacefully intervene to begin conversations that will create new opportunities for the people of Iran. 

We at the Europe Peace Foundation stand with all the people of Iran for dignified laws.